We are blessed to have our church, family and friends. On earth, we have the Lord and each other and the privilege to pray for each other.

the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. This verse tells us how important it is that we pray for our families and friends. The book of James, chapter five, encourages us to pray one for another.

We are also encouraged to pray for our leaders! I Timothy, chapter two, instructs us to pray for our leaders.

I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men;

For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.

For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour;

The word supplication means to petition, and petition means to ask. This is to request God to help our nation by helping our leaders.

To pray is to talk to God anytime, in any place, and in any way you can.

Then, to intercede in prayer is to experience the intense, passion of prayer. In some ways it describes a prayer of urgency or desperation.

Our community and country is at a spiritual crossroad. It appears that God has given us an opportunity for revival and spiritual renewal!

We should pray together for each other, our church, our families and the leaders of our nation.

You are loved,

Pastor & Muzette

We thank the Lord for the fresh anointing upon His Word!

Our Sunday School Classes are growing and there is a new desire to study the Bible together!  “Build Below the Baseline” series examines our spiritual foundation. What are we building our lives, careers, marriages and families upon?

This study allows us to prayerfully study and pray to strengthen our walk with the Lord.  We can develop this part of our lives that only God sees!

Pastor Johnathan Stewart led us into Psalm 139 in our Wednesday night study.  It is a wonderful connection to our efforts to grow spiritually.  Verse one speaks of a past tense exam.  Oh Lord, thou hast searched me, and known me.  In verses 23 and 24, David continues to make request unto our God.  Notice these six requests that David makes.

  1. Search me
  2. Know my heart
  3. Try me
  4. Know my thoughts
  5. See if there be any wicked way in me
  6. Lead me in the way everlasting

As Pastor Davis Plemmons prayed in our prayer meeting, “God we sense your presence and the burden for revival.”

God is moving in our church!  Let’s continue to pray, study His Word, and believe together for  a Revival in our hearts!

You are loved,

Pastor and Muzette

This week our nation celebrated the strength of our republic, a new administration. We do not celebrate a political party or a political person.  We celebrate America, and the creative genius of our “Founding Fathers”!

The “ELECTORAL COLLEGE” system gives protection to the rural population centers and preserves the importance of every state in the union.  This insures citizen representative votes for us in the Chamber of Congress, to unite the people with the power of the Constitution.

Our Nation’s architects designed a great nation, built on prayer and Christian principles.  We must have the Word of God and the Constitution for our Nation’s foundation.

As we pray for our families, our church and our community we MUST PRAY for America.

Psalm 33:12, Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord;

Proverbs 14:34, Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people.

A new administration is to be prayed for we are to pray for those who rule over us.  We need to be united in our faith and in our prayers.

Our prayer should be for the statement of our pledge to become reality… “ONE NATION UNDER GOD”

You are loved and prayed for,

Pastor & Muzette

As you may have heard, Dr. Tim Lee and Connie will not be able to be with us this week for revival.  Their sixteen year old granddaughter (Ally Hooten) was killed in an ATV accident over last weekend and her funeral was on Friday.

The church voted Wednesday night to go ahead and honor Dr. Lee and his family with a love gift.  We received an offering and mailed a check for $    on Thursday.  I want to thank you church family for your generous and compassionate heart.

Revival is not in the sermon notes of an evangelist.  Revival is in my personal relationship with God!  One of the first steps on the road to revival is obedience to our Lord.  Three questions that can be helpful in that journey are:

  1. Is there anything God wants me to start doing?
  2. Is there anything God wants me to stop doing?
  3. Is there any reason not to do what God wants?

Revival is your and God doing a personal audit of your spiritual life.  Let us seek Him together in the spirit of revival!  II Chronicles 7:14

You are loved,

Pastor and Muzette

We are excited today to introduce our new Bible Study, “Build Below the Baseline.”  This study will be provided for all ages beginning at the third grade in our church family.

With all the members of our families studying the same subject, we can talk about God’s Word together.  This will be a tool to help us grow spiritually as a church and as people of the Book.

Think about this – God gives each of us 168 hours every week.  That means you have 8,736 hours to use every year!

If you attend Sunday School (Bible Study on Sunday mornings) every Sunday, that would only be 52 hours per year.  That leaves 8,684 hours to live for ourselves.

If I gave a tithe of my time, if I said, “Lord, you have given me another year to live; I want to give 10% back in service to you!”  That would only be 868 hours given to the Lord each year.

Think about this, if I go to Sunday School and all three church services every week, that would only be 208 hours per year.  OUCH!  That is a long way from 868 hours as a “time tithe”.

The truth of the matter is, God has every hour of every day!  We love Jesus and we live for Him each and every day.

Let’s make an effort to step-up in 2017 and be faithful to Sunday School.

Happy New Year again!

You are loved,

Pastor and Muzette