After our Bible Study on Wednesday I heard from the Ladies Bible Study group. They meet on Tuesday evenings for fellowship and time in the Word of God. They were thrilled to explain that their theme on Tuesday evening was the same subject that we talked about at Wednesday evening prayer meeting, “The importance of the Bible in the life of a Christian!”

I recently read an article about reading the Bible and how important it is for spiritual growth and maturity. If I remember correctly it asserted that you could read your Bible through in 90 days. It stated that by reading up to 13 chapters a day or listening to 13 chapters on a CD, you could complete the Bible in around 90 days.

Remember the image of our Wednesday night study? The enemy of your soul, the enemy of your life and family, doesn’t want you in the Word of God.

The devil’s playbook… “Block the Book”

In anyway, at any time, using any circumstance, the devil will work to block you and me from reading our Bible.

We will grow spiritually as individuals, as families, and as a church as we study the Bible together.


You are loved,

Pastor and Muzette

Last week we discussed the actions in the book of Acts.

  1. Jesus Goes Up
  2. Holy Spirit comes down
  3. The Church goes out

When we read John, chapter ten, most of the words of the chapter are in red ink, showing that they are, “from the mouth of Jesus.” Notice with me the phrasing of verse nine:

I am the door: by Me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture.

John’s declarations are powerful! Any person trusting in Jesus in verse nine…

  1. He shall be saved
  2. He shall go in
  3. He shall go out
  4. He shall find pasture

As the church, Christians, leave the building of fellowship to return to the world to live and work, we need Jesus! Jesus is described as the Great I am, and He is teaching, “I am what you need.”

C.H. Spurgeon wrote that Jesus is the entrance to the true church and the only access to God himself.

The promise of Jesus is that no one can be lost who takes Jesus as the door of faith for salvation. Jesus is the only door, an open door, a wide door, a safe door, and He is your door to salvation.

This is our message for a hurting generation and our message of hope for families and friends we love. Jesus is the answer!

You are loved,

Pastor and Muzette

Last week we discussed revival – the moving of God into full control of our lives, families and church.

Our Bible Study included, “A New Environment,” or the changes that God makes.  Another area was “A New Enthusiasm,” after Acts Chapter two in which God causes us to be passionate about His work.

I read a little note several years ago about a honey bee. It is not the length of the stinger, but the enthusiasm the bee puts behind it!

We need to pray for God to give us some enthusiasm about His work! We want to put some action in the book of Acts. Notice these three Actions in Acts:

  1. Jesus Goes Up—Acts 1:10-11

…why stand ye gazing up into heaven?

It almost like the Word of God is declaring, “Don’t just stand here, Go to work! Jesus is coming back!”

  1. Holy Ghost Comes Down—Acts 2:1-4

…they were all filled with the Holy Ghost.

God will give us the power to carry out our earthly assignments. This is the power to be in this world, but not of this world.

  1. Christians Go Out—Acts 2:42-47

…there were added unto them about three thousand souls. …they continued steadfastly.

Doctrine is the study of the Word of God.

Fellowship shows that they had to have the support of each other in common purpose and encouragement.

Breaking of Bread together is taking time for each other and taking time to know each other while sharing a meal.

Prayers, the power for the Action in the Book of Acts is found in the Power of Prayer.

Let’s keep working and praying together for revival!

You are loved.

We are blessed to have our church, family and friends. On earth, we have the Lord and each other and the privilege to pray for each other.

the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. This verse tells us how important it is that we pray for our families and friends. The book of James, chapter five, encourages us to pray one for another.

We are also encouraged to pray for our leaders! I Timothy, chapter two, instructs us to pray for our leaders.

I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men;

For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.

For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour;

The word supplication means to petition, and petition means to ask. This is to request God to help our nation by helping our leaders.

To pray is to talk to God anytime, in any place, and in any way you can.

Then, to intercede in prayer is to experience the intense, passion of prayer. In some ways it describes a prayer of urgency or desperation.

Our community and country is at a spiritual crossroad. It appears that God has given us an opportunity for revival and spiritual renewal!

We should pray together for each other, our church, our families and the leaders of our nation.

You are loved,

Pastor & Muzette

We thank the Lord for the fresh anointing upon His Word!

Our Sunday School Classes are growing and there is a new desire to study the Bible together!  “Build Below the Baseline” series examines our spiritual foundation. What are we building our lives, careers, marriages and families upon?

This study allows us to prayerfully study and pray to strengthen our walk with the Lord.  We can develop this part of our lives that only God sees!

Pastor Johnathan Stewart led us into Psalm 139 in our Wednesday night study.  It is a wonderful connection to our efforts to grow spiritually.  Verse one speaks of a past tense exam.  Oh Lord, thou hast searched me, and known me.  In verses 23 and 24, David continues to make request unto our God.  Notice these six requests that David makes.

  1. Search me
  2. Know my heart
  3. Try me
  4. Know my thoughts
  5. See if there be any wicked way in me
  6. Lead me in the way everlasting

As Pastor Davis Plemmons prayed in our prayer meeting, “God we sense your presence and the burden for revival.”

God is moving in our church!  Let’s continue to pray, study His Word, and believe together for  a Revival in our hearts!

You are loved,

Pastor and Muzette