Jesus had been born in Bethlehem, the city of David, and had grown up in a city called Nazareth. Both cities are still there today, I’ve seen these places with my own eyes many times. It’s really something else to hold your Bible in hand and look out at the same hills and mountains that Jesus saw, and know that He had been there. 

Speaking to those who feel it is too late. 

  1. If you have children still in the home, It’s not too late. If there is an issue, or something lacking in your home, it will never be better by waiting. Take advantage of the exposure to truth, and be willing to make a change—now. 
  2. Humility is key—repentance may be necessary. When God exposes issues in our lives it’s always uncomfortable, but if you’ll respond humbly, broken before God, He may use it to heal wounds you may not even know exist. Apologies may have to be made for moving on. There might be some mommas and daddy’s that need to look at their kids and say kids “I’m sorry where we failed. I’m so sorry I didn’t teach you and pray with you.” Do it for God’s glory and free of pride—you’ll be amazed at the working hand of God. 
  3. Be an advocate for others. If you realize an error or malpractice within your home spiritually. Let them learn from your experience….

Jesus has just given some of the most consequential and really difficult words in the entire new testament. As He finishes the thought, He transitions to this picture of two different homes. One home built on rock. One built on sand. Jesus gives both houses the same test—rain, floods, winds. But one house made it. One house didn’t make it.

It all came down to the construction, the foundation, the location and the leadership of the home. There is always consequence of improper construction on improper foundation, not following the directions laid out by Jesus. Only the house built on the foundation of obedience to God’s Word stands. This house, God’s house, the reason trinity exists in the first place, and the only way we have come this far is because of the Godly heritage that built upon the rock, the foundation of obedience!

One of the most important items you can have in your possession as a member of Trinity Baptist Church is the insert that you will find in this newsletter.  Each week our Family Care ministry, led by Pastor Allen Rash and Bro. Doug Guy, along with the ladies in the church office, takes on the responsibility of updating the prayer list for our church.  The need is always different and unique.  On some weeks there are just a few folks that have specific needs and are added to our list for prayer, while on other weeks there are dozens of names and requests that come in to the office.

As a part of the body of Christ, one of our main functions is to pray for one another.  It is vital that we be intentional about looking to see who is asking for prayer.  Think of that, now. Someone called or text, asking, requesting, and expecting that the church family will pray for them.  That is a gigantic responsibility and a task of great importance!  I know if my name was added to one of the categories found on the prayer list, I would want you to pray for me.

It’s a great practice to purposely place the prayer list insert into your Bible and incorporate praying over these names, with clean hands and a pure heart, as part of your daily walk with the Lord.

James 5:16, “Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed.  The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.”

There are many on the list who are sick in body, broken in spirit and some that are tremendously grieved.  Let us take time to remember our brothers and sisters as we obey the call of Christ to His church.

Let us pray!

Pastor Winston