What a day! What a week!  It seems every day we experience more and more stress in our lives, our marriages, and our families.

Thankfully, we have help!  We are blessed to have the help we need to survive in this crazy world and to grow in our walk with the Lord.

Our recent Bible studies and worship services have highlighted this truth.  God has placed the help we need in His Word, no matter the circumstance.

Bible study is a personal adventure with just you and your Bible, providing a time of intimate fellowship with the Lord.  This is the fellowship that satisfies the heart and changes your life.

When we read the Bible and pray for God to help us understand, we grow spiritually.  We learn how to be better students of the Word of God.

This time with the Word of God will provide guidance for our lives and families.

Psalm 119:34    Give me understanding, and I shall keep thy law;

                           yea I shall observe it with my whole heart.

Don’t forget, Us in the Word and the Word in Us!

You are loved,

Pastor and Muzette

Rescue Asheville! Through the vision and burden of our young people, God has refocused our church to make an impact in our city with the message of Jesus.  This vision and burden has spread to other youth and churches in our community.


God is raising up a generation that desires the anointing of God upon their lives more than anything else!  Let’s join the rescue vision for our family, friends and community.


As a church we must be Ready for the rescue,

Established in the word of God,

Separated from the world,

Committed to our calling,

Understand the need,

and know Jesus is Enough for every situation.


Thank you to all the Pastors and Youth Pastors from our community who has joined us in this Vision.  May we see lives radically changed in the beautiful, wonderful, and powerful name of Jesus! Thank you for joining us for the community youth service, Sunday Night in the Sanctuary of Trinity Baptist Church.

Pastor Nathan Hawkins

Psalm 46:10 speaks of being still and knowing God.  “Be still, and know that I am God:  I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the Earth.”

During the past few services we have been blessed with a wonderful awareness of God.  Many have expressed, “I was afraid to move!”  Some stated that, “There was a sense that God is here, don’t move! Just be still before Him!”

In times of spiritual refreshing, God demonstrates His mighty power by just making sure we know, HE IS HERE!

There is an important lesson in the first part of the verse …“Be still, and know…”

There is a great spiritual strength in just being quiet in the silence of my environment.  Remove the clutter.  Remove the noise.  Make the extra effort to remove TV, radio, cell phone, IPad, and my play list. For ME to be still!

To listen for the still small voice.  Is God speaking to me, to my heart?

The silence gives opportunity for

  1. Listening
  2. Observing
  3. Thinking
  4. Feeling
  5. Awareness

While God is visiting us anew, let’s break out of the routine and listen!

Our prayer is to be like Him.  Our prayer is for help, “We beseech thee”, as we are praying together for revival!

You are loved,

Pastor and Muzette

For the past week we have been studying the prayer of Isaiah.

In the New Testament, the disciples asked Jesus if He would teach them to pray.  Jesus replied with what we call the Lord’s Prayer.

In the Old Testament, Isaiah teaches about prayer around 700 years before Christ will be born in Bethlehem.  Israel is “survival praying” while living in the Southern Kingdom.  Israel’s prayer for restoration is found in Isaiah chapter 63 verses 15-19.

Moving into chapter 64, Isaiah leads the powerful prayer for the people of Israel!   “Oh that thou wouldest rend the heavens, that thou wouldest come down, that the mountains might flow down at thy presence,…”

The latter part of the second verse explains the passion and reason for the prayer, “…to make thy name known to thine adversaries, that the nations may tremble at thy presence!”

Isaiah’s example for “survival praying” is found in Isaiah chapter 64 verse 9, ”O Lord, neither remember iniquity for ever: behold, see, we beseech Thee, we are all Thy people.”  That prayer that uses BESEECH has more passion than just asking or  requesting.

These prayers contain three main elements of this petition to God!

1.      Intensity of Desire

2.     Humble Heart

3.     Tenacity of Purpose

We should ask the Lord to keep teaching us to pray.

We should pray with heart-felt passion, humble before God with the knowledge of His plan and purpose! James reminds us that a fervent prayer availeth much!

You are loved,

Pastor & Suzette

Sometimes it is difficult to be happy.  Happiness is linked to happenings and what is happening may not be good.  We do not enjoy the difficult days, or the times of hardship.

However, the joy of the Lord is my strength!  Our Lord is greater than the circumstance.  God is our shelter and refuge on those difficult days. One definition of Joy is calm delight.  That is the peace the Lord brings, calm in the midst of the storm.

Always remember to get joy we must give it.  To keep joy we must share it.  If we work and pray to be able to bring happiness to others, we cannot avoid happiness coming into our lives.

You cannot out-give God and you cannot out- love God.  He has blessed us and made us happy in Him

Happiness comes from giving, not from getting.  God blesses the heart and spirit that is like Him.

The truth is, our happiness comes from spiritual wealth, not the material wealth of this world.

Serve the Lord in this New Year with all your heart and enjoy each day!

You are loved,

Pastor and Muzette