Paul’s Condemnation of the Jew (whom he loved)

Paul is condemning them because of their perversion of the law!  They were more in love with the tradition of the elders that they were with God.

You see the the law is perfect. The law is wonderful! The law in its infancy, in the face of Abraham had great glory! But as time goes on, as the face of Abraham faded so did the glory of the law. By the time we get to these Jews that are living in Pauls days these are so full of pride. Sadducees and Pharisees full of pride. Full of themselves. They are in love with the letter of the law, but no the spirit.

Read Romans 2:17-24

What do you think of when you hear missions, or missionary? Do you think of someone in a far off land thousands of miles away? Do you think of remote villages in places you’ve never seen before? Over the next two weeks, our focus is going to be on just that. Missions, and missionaries. So, What comes to mind? 

Let’s look at the word Missionary…

Christians in your 20’s, your 30’s, it’s often especially hard for us to embrace that we are living in the last days. it’s not normally the main focus, not the primary thought process of young people who in their mind have many years to live. Life is just developing and the last thing you’re thinking about is the end. 

Some skeptically say, well, preachers have been preaching that for a long time! You’re right, but what you cant ignore is what has taken place in the past 75 years that irrefutably points to the fact that at any moment the lungs of the archangel could fill will an eternal wind and blow the trumpet of return!