Eternity is something beyond our comprehension—it has no beginning and no end. When we try to grasp its vastness, we find that human words and definitions fall short. To help illustrate just how endless eternity truly is, we can think of metaphors like an ocean drained drop by drop over millions of years or a granite mountain slowly worn away by a bird’s wing. Even when those impossible feats are completed, eternity will have only just begun.
The Bible is an eternal book about an eternal God, and it makes it clear that eternity holds real consequences for each of us. There are over 40 mentions of eternal life in the New Testament and many more about God’s eternal nature, judgment, and promises. That’s why it’s so important for us to reflect on what eternity means—not just as a distant concept, but as the ultimate reality that shapes our purpose and choices in this life. Let’s look at three simple facts about eternity:
1. Everyone Here Will Spend an Eternity Somewhere
Everyone will spend eternity somewhere—either in everlasting life or everlasting judgment. No one can escape this reality, regardless of belief or opinion; eternity is inevitable for all.
2. There Are Only Two Destinations for Eternity: Heaven or Hell
The Bible makes it clear that there are only two eternal destinations—Heaven or Hell—leaving no middle ground. Every person will spend eternity either in the presence of God or separated from Him.
3. Christ Is the Dividing Line for Eternity: Only Christ Can Save
Jesus Christ is the only way to salvation, and eternity is determined by whether we accept or reject Him. The Bible teaches that all have sinned and are separated from God, but through Christ’s sacrifice, our sins can be forgiven, and we can receive eternal life by grace through faith. Those who believe in Him will spend eternity in Heaven, while those who reject Him will face eternal separation from God.