The Foundation of Freedom

Today is the last Monday of May known in America as Memorial Day. Originally known as Decoration Day, it originated in the years following the Civil War and became an official federal holiday in 1971. Memorial Day, as Decoration Day gradually came to be known, originally honored only those lost while fighting in the Civil War. But during World War I the United States found itself embroiled in another major conflict, and the holiday evolved to commemorate American military personnel who died in all wars, including World War II, The Vietnam War, The Korean War and the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

It’s of vital importance we remember those who fought, died and paid the price for what the red, white and blue represents. Even those who’s number was called served with honor, dignity and bravery. Many who were drafted in WW2, Korea and Vietnam refused to go home at the end of the required deployment. They saw the need, they knew they didn’t want what they saw to come back to the homeland, so they stayed, they fought and they died. Their death, their sacrifice purchased for us a freedom, a liberty and a land like no other. There has never been a greater Nation with more wealth, prosperity and access than these United Sates of America.

I submit to you, even as torn and tattered as her inward condition is, She is still worth fighting for. She is still worth dying for, all because She still has great potential, if she will only awaken, be restored and call back on the Bridegroom that made her great! Oh the sacrifice that was paid so we could be free! No words, no pros could ever tell the whole story, of what God has given us in our story of America. 

As Americans we should all remember the sacrifice that has been paid so that we can live and enjoy the goodness of God under a banner of freedom, and we must vow to protect this precious gift from our God.

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