Testing our Foundation

Our nation has been in a stress-test for the past few months.  The test is about the very foundation of our government, who we are as a people and what we believe or even know about the founding documents of our nation, that we function as a republic and not a democracy.

Our Declaration of Independence was based on the Biblical understanding of man and his nature with God is the source of all law.  This is the law of the creator, God.

Thomas Jefferson, the author of this Declaration, used the words life, liberty and pursuit of happiness.  This classic phrase was taught by John Locke (1632-1704) who influenced Jefferson’s pen with his writing of Civil Government.  This is a classic of political science and quotes the Bible 80 times.

Locke was convinced that humanity’s first allegiance must be to God and His Son Jesus.        
“As men we have God for our King, and are under the law of reason: as Christians, we have Jesus the Messiah for our King and are under the law reveal’d by Him in the Gospel.”

Our faith foundation and our rule of law foundation are being tested at an intensity not seen since 1776!  Our foundation stones are the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and even the 85 letters (known as the Federalist Papers) that were pro-Constitution and published in New York.  The writers of these letters to the editor were Alexander Hamilton, James Madison and John Jay.  All three of these writers professed faith in Jesus Christ.  Dr. David Gibbs, the legal scholar of our day, states that the essays of these three men are still cited in legal briefs and quoted in various court decisions.

This writer is the same James Madison who is called the father of our Constitution. It was Madison that wrote about the balance of power in government stating that all powers, House and Senate, Executive, and Judiciary would be held in check by the division of rule would provide the “checks and balances” we must have!

We must not abandon our core values in stressful situations or in tough days. We are a Christian nation.  We were built on Biblical principles.  We must not trade our foundation stones of faith and freedom for political correctness or a globalist world view.

God gave us freedom from sin through the gift of His son, Jesus.

God gave us freedom from tyranny as a people through the Bible based documents of the faith of our Founding Fathers.

May we be united in our prayers for our President, our House and Senate members, our Supreme Court and Judges. 

May God bless America spiritually again as we seek His face and return to the God of our fathers!       
You are loved,

Pastor Ralph

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